Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Recently I felt it necessary and my duty to write this post in order to aware many others. There are many pics going around the net either photoshopped or with the wrong stories. Don't believe every such thing except the authenticated ones.
It's not that I totally deny all such 'miraculous type' pics, there might be few real ones also but most of them are fake with poor quality, rough pixels & low resolution. Why is it that only such type of photos are of poor quality image with low resolution? Why not HD? So that you cannot figure out their mistakes in editing. 

Two years ago I noticed 'Allah' written on my heater, I was really amazed as I myself was a witness. I then took the pic and posted on Inspiring Stories. There are many such real pics which people take themselves and they aren't fake & viral on net. 

I remember 5 or 6 years back I saw many pics on net on which 'Allah' was written, I was really impressed. One particular image was 'Allah written on a cow' (the one above) then later on I discovered another one with the world map on it, I was again impressed. But the third time I found one with 'Om' written on it in Hindi. grin emoticon 
What would you say about all that? How realistic does all those photos look! 

Now as Im also aware of the many features of Photoshop very well so most of the time it becomes easy for me to differentiate but sometimes it's hard to tell, then I Google the pic to check the authenticity or to find the real story behind it. It's sad how people took photo editing as a joke to make everyone fool around. 

Not only the fake photos are viral but most of the time unauthenticated stories are also going viral around the net getting everyone's praises and amazements. Like the one of the rock above. The most viral story is as follows: 
"[A miracle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): When Holy Prophet (PBUH) reached Masjid-ul-Aqsa in the night in Jerusalem from Masjid al-Haram (Makkah) the big stone also went up in the air besides Burraq when the Prophet resumed its journey. Looking at this, the Prophet ordered the floating stone to stay there which is hanging till that time in the air.]"

When first time I saw I was also shocked, Wow this is really the miracle of ALLAH SWT but then my mind warned me not to believe, this can be a hoax because people were not having any proof. The story has no authentic reference from the Islamic sources like hadiths or the reports of Sahaba (R.A). Many Muslims believe the story of the picture to be true and eagerly said: ‘Allahu Akbar!’ or ‘this is the miracle of Allah’. 

I'm not stopping people from Praising Allah, the Quran confirms that the expression of appreciation and gratitude to God is indeed an act of Worship:
"...and give thanks for God's blessings if you do worship Him" [Holy Quran 16:114]

Believe me I find the real pic of the rock in fact even more realistic and surprising. Just notice how beautifully Allah has made that heavy rock stand on the weak support! Isn't that amazing? Subhan Allah!

There are infinite real signs of Allah SWT to be thankful for, to Praise & Glorify Him for...!
"If you count God's blessings, you can never encompass them, the human being is indeed transgressing, unappreciative" [Holy Quran 14:34] 

There's a photo of waterfall on the top left that went viral. The one in the middle is the photo that I've Photoshopped for you people. Do I have to make you fool to make you understand?
Why don't you see that even the beauty of simple waterfall is enough reason to Praise Allah. Even the soothing color of trees, softness of clouds, depth of sea, balance of the sky, brightness of the stars are a few of the MANY SIGNS to Glorify Allah, yet you need the help of unauthenticated stories & photos? Take a whole universe, nature, the Holy Quran, the Messenger of Allah PBUH, your brain, your intelligence as enough reason to Praise the Signs of Allah SWT.

"Have you not seen how God makes the clouds move gently..." [Holy Quran 24:43]
" … and the sky He raised and set the balance" [55:7]
"(I swear) By the sky, holding mansions of the stars" [85:1]
"And it is He who placed for you the stars that you may be guided by them through the darkness of the land and sea. We have detailed the signs for a people who know." [6:97]
"He Who has made for you out of the green trees fire; then, from it you do kindle." [36:80]
"…. and We have sent down iron, in it is great strength" [57:25]
There are many many Signs of Allah (SWT) why then you need the help of fabricated stories!?
"Now We have revealed unto you a Scripture wherein is your Reminder. Have you then no sense?" [Holy Quran 21:10]
"Thus do We explain the signs in detail! Perhaps they may turn (unto Us)". [Holy Quran 7:174] 
"And He shows you always His Signs; then which of the Signs of Allah will you deny?" [Holy Quran 40:81]

And what's the matter with some people when they use such phrases "need 500 comments to say Subhan Allah", "need 10000 likes for the sake for Allah", "like if you love Allah, ignore if you don't"?? REALLY? Would you rather judge my faith now with the help of my likes and comments? 

Sad thing is that these kind of manipulating photos/stories have thousands of likes & shares! According to a famous Bukhari hadith "Actions are judged by intentions...", Although my fellows like n share such things because they find it unique and surprising and their intentions are merely 'Praising & Glorifying Allah' but be careful and be sure of what you spread because it is a sensitive matter while Islam talks about truth & facts. Do research before believing and spreading such things.

Non believers make fun of us when they find the fabricated photos or stories and they start to say like "Fake Miracle Exposed". How sad is that!
I have also seen a few pages where they post like "Miracles by Allah which proven Islam is the true religion of life".
We don't need the help of any fake miracles to prove the Power of Allah SWT or to prove our religion is correct while we are already blessed with the most beautiful gift on earth, the Holy Qur'an - the living Miracle! The Qur'an is a Book beyond the thoughts and mind of a mortal being. None has been able to bring one similar to it nor will be able to. It is a great heavenly miracle. (Allahu Akbar)

"We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (Quran) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?" [Holy Quran 41:53]

"Is not He, Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them? Yes, indeed! He is the All-Knowing Supreme Creator. Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, 'Be!' and it is! So Glorified is He in whose hand is the Kingdom of all things, and to Him you will be returned." [Holy Quran 36: 81-83]

My only wish is to present pure and beautiful message of the Quran and hadith of our Prophet PBUH, to always strive to present accurate and authenticated information, without distorting or corruption. Testing and questioning for sources, using our reason and logic is definitely a part of understanding true Islam and what it offers.
"And do not follow that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart - about all those will be questioned." [Holy Quran 17:36]

If in this post I sound offensive to anyone then I apologize but do think about it!
The Holy Prophet PBUH has said: "Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people." (Baihaqi) 

Kurt Vonnegut, the author of 'Breakfast of Champions' has put in words “So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too.”

In the end I would NOT say 'share if you love Allah' etc... But share if you please, share to aware others, share to spread the word!
Meri Likhi Hui Baat Har Koi Samajh Nahi Pata, 
Kyunki Main Ehsas Likhta Hun aur Log Alfaz Parhtey Hain;
Na Samajh aye to Emaan ko bhi Judge Kar Letey hain!

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